Dog Aggression

Is Your Dog Aggressive?

If so, you’re not alone.  Dog aggression is the number one reason dog owners contact me for professional guidance.  Perhaps that is because some behavior issues, while mildly annoying, are less a likely to hurt someone.

Dog aggression, which sometimes start off as growling, baring teeth, and snapping, may escalate to biting if left untreated.   And while such aggressive displays are considered dog communication, an aggressive dog is a potential liability.

Behavior issues, specifically aggression, is the number one reason dogs are relinquished to animal shelters.  As a professional dog trainer, I find this terribly disappointing because aggression can be solved with a clear game plan and behavior training!

Types of Dog Aggression

Fear Aggression:  Fear-based aggression arises when your dog perceives a threat, be it real or imagined, and his aggressive is a way to get the threat to go away.  Here is a translation:  “Stranger danger!  Remove yourself immediately!”  

Fearful dogs must be taught a new emotional response, a new way of thinking and feeling about the threat.

Territorial Aggression:  Does your dog bark at strangers who come to the front door?   Historically humans sought out dogs to protect their property.  And although most owner’s don’t mind their dog barking when a dog comes to the door, the behavior is unacceptable if it doesn’t stop when you bring in a guest.

What To Do About It

  • Manage the environment so that your dog does not have the opportunity to practice the aggressive behavior.  If your dog has barrier aggression, don’t allow him to practice barking from your front window at pedestrians. The less he practices this bad behavior, the quicker he’ll learn new acceptable behaviors.
  • Cease all punishment.  Most aggression is caused by anxiety.  Don’t add more anxiety to pre-existing anxiety.
  • Contact a professional dog trainer to compose a plan.

Professional dog trainers, like myself, work with dog aggression every day.  Call me for professional guidance.

Pavlov Dog Training, LLC / (303) 908-8296 /