Professional Credentials
- Pavlov Certified
- Masters Degree in Education
- Specializes in Child-Dog Relations
- Board & Train Trainer
- Coaches Pavlov’s Interns
Stephanie is originally from Alabama, where she was a private tutor as well as a teacher. Like many teachers, Stephanie has a reputation for being organized and thorough. She is a Pavlov certified dog trainer, and puts her Masters of Education to use by teaching human and dog clients. Stephanie trains board and train clients in the comfort of her home. Clients appreciate the raw realness of her home, and the real-life training opportunities that arise in a home environment. For example, daily Amazon deliveries are opportunities to practice polite behaviors with guests at the door, dog walkers provide distractions for her clients who are learning to walk politely on leash, and the mere presence of her two children are a helpful addition when teaching dogs to maintain obedience around distractions.