My anxious 4-legged clients are one step closer to enlightenment.
Daisy paws sells K-9 collars which are pleasing to the eye–think doggie bling–and infused with essential oils like vetiver, geranium, and ylang ylang. If your pet exhibits anxiety, try this out in conjunction with training. And tell me what you think.
I used this on a German shepherd who–according to the owner–wanted to “eat dogs like Cujo”. Before our training session I gave him the let’s chill essential oil. Was it a magical wand that turns him into a laid back Jimmy Buffet singing golden retriever? No. However, his stress signals decreased.
Hair on the back of his neck was less upright (which is usually a sign of stress) and he actually gave the other dog a polite body posture by looking away and licking his lips. Fancy that.