Aileron and chocolate wrappersUpon arriving home I was greeted by my 5 month old German shepherd puppy, wide-eyed, bushy-tailed and surrounded in chocolate wrappers.


I counted 39 empty dark chocolate wrappers, with additional pieces partially dissected and placed for hiding behind the toilet and under the couch.   I grabbed the empty box of chocolates and discovered that each chocolate weighed 0.4 ounces.


With 39 empty chocolate wrappers at 0.4 ounces of chocolate a piece, there was one pound of chocolate missing-in-action.


Chances were likely the toxic cocoa was digesting somewhere between Puppy’s stomach and his large intestine.

Bad news.

Being that the chocolate was dark, it had a large amount of cocoa powder, which is potentially lethal when it hits the liver, so with guidance from his vet, Puppy was force feed 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with the intention of making him vomit.

hydrogen peroxide




Twenty minutes later, SUCCESS.





Puppy vomited four times, and each time brought up large amounts of chocolate.


Next up: time to detox.

activatived charcoal




Puppy was given activated charcoal to absorb the cocoa powder and detoxify the system.


Twenty-four hours later, it is safe to say, the cocoa never made it to the liver, or the organ which is were the damage happens.


If you have a chocolate scare contact your vet, or  contact Poison Control immediately at 1-888-426-4435.